Monday, May 4, 2009

Lukisan Petang

1. Hmmm. Right. OK. First thing, apologies. I've been off my blogging duty for 1 whole month. I am sorry for the long leave. It's just that, owwhh, you know, school, homework, exam, stuff...I'm sure you understand. Again, my sincerest of 'sorry's.

2. I've got a masterpiece to share with all of you. It's a one-and-only original artwork by my well-known-friend, Hafizan Halim. He showed it to me during extra-class period today (physics). The realism of this piece of drawing is astounding. I know that, to art people, who posess the god-given skills of sketching and rendering, or have learned it somehow in some point of their lives, that this is just 'ordinary, anyone can do it' stuff,... but to me, this, this is beautiful. I mean, the detail, the realism... man, this is great stuff. This is one good sketch.

3. According to Hafizan, he drew it yesterday evening, spent about 30 minutes doing this, using his Mitsubishi technical pen, while at Hafidz, a close friend's house. So, this piece is called 'Lukisan Petang Ahad di Rumah Hafidz', by Hafizan.

4. It's a view of Kolej, the row of classes near the green, stagnant 'kolam', you know... let me relate this. In 2008, the furthest class you see in the drawing used to be 4 Omega.

5. So, thank you, Hafizan, for the sketch, and thank you for letting me share your art with all of us in my blog. And with this, I hope I can post more artwork on this blog in the future. Anybody wanna share? I'm at 5 Omega. Just go see me sometime if you have anything good to be shared and recognized.

6. Good night people. Stay healthy. Assalamualaikum

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