Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How I ran Away From PLKN

Forgive me for making the title sound adventurous. Nothing exciting happened. Getting an excuse to skip PLKN is a boring process. Boring, but also nerve-wrecking.

It was a fine Sunday morning. I woke up early, knowing very well that there are 2 possibilities today; being able to stay home, or being shoved inside a bus heading to Kuala Nerang for a 3-month 'holiday'. Its ok. Think positive.

I had all my forms ready.

So at 8 in the morning, I headed for the stadium, where several buses waited to take trainees to various camps all over Malaysia. Walked past all the buses and headed straight to the Urusetia table, where a man wearing a blue corporate shirt with KOMANDEN written on it sat. He seemed ok.

The most important of all the forms were shown to him first; Borang Penangguhan. This is to be my ticket out of PLKN. My luck depended on whether the KOMANDEN accpepts this form or not. Evidence of cause of posponement was also needed to make the posponement form valid. In my case, I handed to him my e-mail copy from UTP.

He seemed hesitant to accept my borang. He can't make the decision by himself, so he consulted a woman personnel sitting near him.

It was this kind woman who gave my form the green light. And with that, my PLKN duty is behind me, at least for now.

Now I owe the government my PLKN service.

Aku berhutang dengan kerajaan:p

I wonder when I am going to pay back my duties...Hmmm...

Should I wonder?

1 comment:

  1. patut p plkn ni hakim... buleh blajaq basuh baju elok2, hehe
