Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Types of Glass (Chemistry)

1.Basically, glass is made from sand and limestone, heated to form a thick liquid. When this liquid cools, a clear, solid material is formed; glass.

2. Properties of glass; they are hard, brittle, and not reactive to chemicals. They are good insulators of heat and electricity.

Soda-Lime Glass - used in making windows, bottles, mirrors, etc. Easily broken when temperature changes too fast. Changes shape easily upon heating.

Borosilicate (Pyrex) Glass - used in making cooking glassware and laboratory apparatus. Can withstand heating at high temperatures.

Lead-crystal glass - bowls, vasses, decorative glasses. Appreciated as they are shiny, because they easily refract light.

Optical glass - Lenses for cameras, glasses, microscopes, etc.

Photochromic glass - glass that darkens with the increasing intensity of light (bright light=dark shade of glass, normal light=normal glass, no shade). Made by adding silver chloride crystals, which darkens when light passes through, into molten glass.

3. Conclusion - test tube= borosilicate, glass ornament(perhiasan)=lead-crystal, specs=optical, McD Coca-cola glass= soda-lime.

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