Monday, May 2, 2011

A Matter of Trust

Stumbled upon this a few days ago...
Has anybody read this anywhere lately?.. mak..?

Did some Googling, and then found this article from Kosmo!:-

KUALA LUMPUR - Umat Islam tidak perlu keliru dengan penyebaran mel elektronik akhir-akhir ini berhubung status halal beberapa produk keluaran rangkaian kafe ternama, Starbucks.

Pengarah Bahagian Hub Halal Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim), Zainal Abidin Jaffar dalam e-mel kepada Kosmo! menjelaskan, siasatan mereka mendapati, dakwaan pihak tertentu itu tidak berasas.

"Ia disahkan sebagai halal dan apa yang berlaku merupakan kekeliruan di kalangan pengguna sahaja," katanya sebagai mengulas kiriman e-mel kononnya ia kenyataan Jakim mengesahkan status haram produk terbabit.

Kosmo! yang juga menerima e-mel itu dimaklumkan bahawa pelbagai produk syarikat berkenaan seperti coklat, vanila dan kopi didakwa mengandungi lemak babi selain sejenis arak, rum.

Mengulas lanjut, Zainal Abidin menambah, penggunaan bahan kimia dengan kod E471 atau mono di-glycefides dalam produk itu turut disahkan halal sebagai bahan tambahan makanan dibenarkan.

"Jakim sendiri membuat pemeriksaan terperinci dan ujian makmal untuk memastikan bahan itu mendapat pengesahan halal berasaskan kepada tumbuhan sahaja serta digunakan oleh kilang berdaftar dengan Jakim," tegasnya.

Beliau juga memaklumkan Starbucks Coffee Company Sdn. Bhd. dan The Coffe Bean & Tea Leaf (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. masih memegang sijil halal dikeluarkan oleh Jakim yang tamat tempoh akhir tahun depan.


What's intriguing is that the Kosmo! article is dated April 7th, 2008, while that Facebook note with no credentials whatsoever up there is relatively more recent; October 31st, 2010...

Strong claim... yet however dubious or unlikely claims tend to get, they must still be looked upon...

I won't simply take any sides here, because the facebook claim has nothing to back it up, and the people concerned at JAKIM has not issued an updated statement regarding the matter... so, frustratingly, I have no side to trust...

I can think on my own two feet... tell between right and wrong and all that... take care of the faith that I cherish within me... Besides, I can't even remember the last time I stepped into Starbucks... But then, this is a matter of confusion, and trust... It ain't good to be confused here and there, most of the time... so why not commercialise our very own take on the American coffee big-shot? Our people are resourceful and creative enough... Welcome to the local SETARBAK KOPI...

Open for business since 2007. This could really work... proud to be Malaysian...

Because coffee should not contain animal fat;

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