Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Reason to Rejoice; the Coming Back of Alfa Romeo

The Alfa Romeo 159, putting the 3-series to shame by its looks alone...

I read The Star on Sunday, and I saw an article in StarMotoring, entitled 'Alfa to Return'. It is one of the best pieces of news that i've read in quite some time, considering the stuff that we Malaysians consider as news and read on a regular basis is 'rasuah, murder, and kemalangan jalan raya...' Well, good for Alfa Romeo then, and let us hope that this coming back of the iconic Italian brand to Malaysian shores is for the long term. Let us hope that Sime Darby Auto ConneXion Sdn Bhd, the soon-to-be official distributor come next month or May, is wise enough to keep Alfa Romeo alive in Malaysia, by selling as much cars as they can.

Currently, Sime Darby Auto ConneXion Sdn Bhd is also the official Dealer of Land Rovers and Fords in Malaysia.

The Managing Director of Auto ConneXion said, that the company would initially introduce the Alfa Romeo 159, GT, Spider, and the Brera (ever played NeedForSpeed Carbon before?) to the market. He also said that Malaysia has a high potential for the success of A.R, considering that there is a loyal Alfa Romeo following in Malaysia.

My neighbour drives an Alfa Romeo.

Personally, I really hope that S.D Auto ConneXion's gamble in Alfa Romeo works. Honestly, isn't anybody tired and bored of seeing Mercs and BMWs everywhere on the road? jeez... Alfa Romeos would make Malaysia a much more happier place.

Luckily, fate is on A.R's side, as 'the two other' Italian icons, Ferrari and Maserati, have been successfully introduced in Malaysia by Naza Italia Sdn.Bhd. recently. Anyone considering a BMW soon, please wait until the Italian arrives..

Monday, March 23, 2009

'A CENTURY OLD SCHOOL', by Tun Dr. Mahathir

Yes, yes, this is only a 'copy paste' job, and all credit must go to '' for this story. This story was posted by dear Tun, on 5th August 2008, a few days after attending Kolej's 100 Years Carnival, which was on 26th July 2008. I just had to post it here, because I thought some of you might miss the story, as August was quite a busy month last year, what with exams looming and all. I must say it is quite an honour and privilege for me to read Tun's side of the story of his day and experience at the 100 Years Carnival. Tun's experiences while studying at Kolej is told by the man himself, so this story is a treasure, and should be cherished by us Collegians.

I was one of the guys in charge of managing the 'F1 in Schools' Technology Showcase on the Carnival Day. The showcase was in 4 Alfa. I remembered, when the teacher gave the signal that the Sultan of Kedah and Tun Mahathir was minutes from touring our F1 exhibit, the room was suddenly packed full of spectators, waiting to greet the Sultan and Tun. It became very hard to breathe in there. The noise of all the people chit-chatting in the room cancelled all outside noise, the flashing of cameras was just downright confusing and disorientating, and the activity of a few bodyguards trying to control the crowd and make way for the Sultan and Tun looked chaotic. My friend standing beside me couldn't clearly hear me shout. That was how noisy the room was at that time.

Yet, somehow, as if by magic, the Sultan and Tun's tour of our exhibit turned out pretty smoothly.

When Tun was ready to leave the room, the crowd also followed, leaving the room, to line outside at the corridors of the classes, just to get a glimpse of Tun Dr. Mahathir. Just before Tun was about to tour another showcase, I managed to greet Tun face to face, and ask for his autograph in the exhibit's official guestbook, to mark his visit on that historical day.

I feel so lucky to be a Collegian.

Enough about that . I give you, 'A Century Old School', by Tun Dr. Mahathir. Enjoy...

Dr. Mahathir Mohamad

1. I came back from a holiday in Croatia to attend the centenary celebration of my alma mater, Kolej Sultan Abdul Hamid or Sultan Abdul Hamid College recently.

2. It was a sentimental occasion. Seeing the old school, quite unchanged since I was admitted into Primary I way back in 1932 brought back many sweet/sad memories.

3. The centenary was more meaningful to me because the school was founded by my father who was also its first headmaster. He used to tell me of his experiences when he was headmaster there.

4. It was not in the present building of course. It was housed in a wooden Malay house in the middle of the town of Alor Star. Called the GES or Government English School, he had Malaysia's first Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman as one of his students.

5. My father died in 1962. I thought he would like me to attend the centenary. I felt very nostalgic of the good old days when he used to teach me and my brother mathematics.

6. Before I was born he was sent to Pahang to teach at a school in Raub. Then he was sent to Johore to teach at an English school there.

7. Those were very distant places and he had to travel by boat with my mother and my eldest sister. My mother's second child, also a girl was born in Pahang. Mahadi my mother's eldest son was born in Johor Bahru.

8. Father got tired of shifting house and traveling to strange places. He came back to Alor Star and applied for an auditor's job with the Kedah Government.

9. Although his name is Mohamad bin Iskandar, people generally call him "Master" or Mohamad Iskandar. To honour him the primary school attached to Sultan Abdul Hamid College was named "Sekolah Iskandar" inadvertently honouring my grandfather instead. I have never complained.

10. At the main ceremony on the morning of Saturday 26th July the College named three ex-collegiate as the Collegiate of the Centenary. HRH the Sultan was the first, second came Tunku Abdul Rahman and I felt greatly honoured to be named as the third Collegiate of the Centenary. It would be another century before anyone will get this award.

11. To be able to study at the GES was a great privilege in those days. This was the first and only Government English School in Kedah. There were only 30 boys from the whole of Kedah admitted each year. I was one of the lucky ones.

12. Going to school was thrilling to me and I couldn't wait for school holidays to end.

13. I did fairly well and my Senior Cambridge Examinations result was good enough for me to be admitted into the medical faculty of the King Edward VII College of Medicine. I was given financial aid which was not a scholarship. The British Colonial Government apparently practised affirmative action because all my Chinese and Indian classmates had far better results than me. The examination results of the other six Malay students were even worse than mine. There were 70 plus students in all.

14. I owed my teachers in school a great deal. Only one of them, Mr. Zain, is alive today. He was a great teacher and spoke grammatically correct English all the time.

15. Schooling was such a great experience and I recall with fondness many rewarding events that I went through.

16. I hope and pray that all Malaysians remember their school days and the part that school plays in their lives. Getting an education right up to University level is easy now. But we must nevertheless feel grateful for there are more than one billion illiterate people in the world. For them the future promises very little.

To see this story in its original context, click the link:

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Something To Think About...

1. When you shake hands or 'salam' with somebody, there's really not much to think about, right?

2. Well, when you think about it, when you shake somebody by the hand, you are touching a hand that has shook countless other hands before. Some sort of 'bond' or 'chain' forms, linking you to the person you are shaking hands with, and also to countless other people who had shook hands with that person in the past.

3. Take, for example, leaders of nations. When you have the chance to shake hands with, say, Tun Dr. Mahathir, 'theoretically', you are discreetly 'partially' shaking hands with our past PMs (Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Abdul Razak, Tun Hussein Onn), countless other world leaders, the likes of George W. Bush, the Queen of England, and the King of Saudi Arabia, just to name a few, numerous CEOs, business people from around the world, and even sports stars (we're talking Michael Schumacher here). Oh, and don't forget Sudirman !

4. How cool is that?

5. Such is the privilege of shaking hands with a national hero.We should be thankful and have the utmost respect, at all times, for Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, 4th Prime Minister of Malaysia, for giving Malaysia the economical and industrial boost that she so very much needed. In fact, we should have the utmost respect for all our leaders in various fields of work.

6. Tun's leadership style, the decisions he made, and the actions he took, all were relevant, during his premiership.

7. So, feel a little love and respect the next time you shake hands or 'salam' with somebody. And also, respect thy leader, respect thy teacher, respect thy family, respect thy friends, and respect thyself.

You Want Something, Go get It. (part 2)

9. Selesainya majlis, saya pun balik ke kelas, penuh dengan perasaan kagum, bangga, ada juga risau, sedikit sedih, dan agak tercabar.

10. Saya duduk di tempat saya, hendak menenangkan minda sedikit, merenung-renung kembali kejayaan senior-senior saya, dan meyakinkan diri sendiri.

11. Tiba-tiba, datang Jalil, sahabat lamaku, seraya memecahkan ketenteraman sekeliling. Dia duduk di sebelahku. Nampaknya dia dalam keadaan sedih, 'depressed', dan sedikit tercabar juga.
This is Jalil.

12. Jalil mula 'complain' tentang dirinya yang bersifat malas dan mudah hilang tumpuan (semasa belajar). Agaknya dia risau tentang masa depannya, dan sedih dengan result-result periksanya, yang mencerminkan sifat malasnya, selama menetap di Kolej ini, serta 'takut' dengan result-result 'over the edge' yang telah dicapai oleh abang-abang senior. " Macam mana ni, Megat dapat 12A, Irfan 10A, Ciwan 11A. Aku macam mana?" "Bukannya aku tak pandai, cuma malas ja," kata Jalil dalam keadaan 'depressed'. Dia pun tahu yang dia malas. Dia meminta saya untuk mengubati 'depression'nya.

13. Jalil terperasan yang Lee Jia Jing, yang berada di depan kami, terdengar akan segala keluhannya. Nescaya, Jalil mula mengulangi semua yang dia baru cakap kepadaku tadi kepada Jia Jing. Jia Jing mendengar Jalil cakap sambil tersenyum.

14. " Jia Jing confirm dah dapat 11A1...tak payah risau dah. Tak payah baca buku pun boleh dapat straight A ni, memang guarantee dah.
.." tambah Jalil, atas sebab kepandaian Jia Jing, dan result periksanya yang boleh dikatakan selalunya 'all A's'. Jia Jing memang pandai. Selalu dapat no.1 dalam tingkatan. Kawan saya, Timothy, pernah cakap, "Kalau nak berkenalan dengan Jia Jing, pi saja Hari Anugerah Cemerlang. Tiap-tiap tahun dia naik pentas." Begitulah kehebatan Lee Jia Jing dalam arena akademik Kolej Sultan Abdul Hamid.

Lee Jia Jing - confirmed straight A1.

15. Namun, segala apa yang Jalil cakap, dibalas Jia Jing dengan hanya satu ayat, " semua orang sama saja."

16. Betapa hebatnya Lee Jia Jing. Pandai tera dia pun, masih terlalu merendah diri. Bukan macam sesetengah orang, menang apa-apa sikit pun, dah berlagak macam raja. Daripada 'statement'nya itu, sememangnya Jia Jing sangat memahami dan mengerti konsep 'usaha tangga kejayaan' dan 'kerja lebih, dapat lebih'. Sememangnya juga dia tidak lupa sedikit pun dari mana datangnya kejayaannya selama ini, iaitu hasil usaha bersungguh-sungguh yang konsisten dan ikhlas. Tidak dapat dinafikan Lee Jia Jing seorang yang teramat bijaksana.

17. " Memang semua orang sama, tapi hang guna 15 percent daripada otak hang. Aku guna 5 percent saja otak aku..." sambung Jalil lagi.

18. Isy, Jalil ni, dah Jia Jing kata semua orang sama pun, nak 'complain' lagi.

19. 'Semua orang sama saja'. Kata-kata yang datang dari mulut Jia Jing ini merupakan kata-kata, atau nasihat yang paling bermakna yang pernah kudengar sejak sekian lama. Terima kasih, Jia Jing.

20. Saya ingin memohon maaf jikalau terdapat salah-silap, atau jikalau terguris hati siapa-siapa. 'I'm just a man'.

21. Friends, the moral of the story is, 'usaha tangga kejayaan'.

22. Never let anyone, not even your own father, tell you 'what you can or cannot be'. You want something, go get it. Nothing can stop you but your own self.

23. Need I say more?

Friday, March 20, 2009

You Want Something, Go get It. (part 1)

1. Baru-Baru ni (lebih kurang seminggu dah), result SPM 2008 diumumkan.

2. Saya dan semua budak-budak Form 5 lain dijemput ke Dewan Iskandar untuk menyaksikan majlis ringkas pengumuman prestasi keseluruhan SPM 2008 oleh Tuan Pengetua. Waktu tu lebih kurang pukul 11 pagi, baru lepas rehat.

3. Pengetua mengumumkan bahawa prestasi SPM 2008 banyak meningkat. SPM 2008 ialah tahun SPM terbaik dalam sejarah 100 penubuhan Kolej Sultan Abdul Hamid. Satu dewan bersorak dan bertepuk tangan. Tentu sekali kami semua bangga.

4. Bilangan pelajar yang mendapat straight A1 dalam semua subjek yang diambil jugak agak ramai. Dekat 30 orang semuanya. Sampai 12A1 pun ada. 7 orang. Hebat tu.

5.Megat Mohammad Fakhri, Head Boy Kolej tahun lepas, dapat 12A1. Bapa dia, Dr. Kamaruzaman, berkhidmat di Kedah Medical Center (KMC), Alor Setar.

6. Masa Pengetua serahkan slip SPM kepada pelajar-pelajar straight A1 ni, sekali lagi Dewan Iskandar hidup dengan sorakan dan tepukan gemuruh daripada guru-guru, penerima-penerima SPM, ibu bapa, dan budak-budak Form 5 tahun ni.

7. Sesungguhnya, pelajar-pelajar Kolej sememangnya mengerti dan sangat menghargai kecemerlangan akademik, dan juga memahami kepayahan dan dugaan yang perlu ditempuhi sebagai seorang pelajar untuk cemerlang, dalam erti kata yang sebenarnya, bukan sahaja dalam periksa, tetapi juga dalam sukan, permainan dsb, dan juga perkara-perkara 'lumrah hidup' seperti bisnes, kehidupan berlandaskan agama, dan tanggungjawab insan yang sempurna kepada diri, keluarga, masyarakat, bangsa, negara, dan agama.

8. Saya sangat berbangga dengan pelajar-pelajar Kolej Sultan Abdul Hamid.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

This Year is SPM Year...

1. Hello! Welcome to my new blog.

2. My name is Luqman Rohaizat.

3. I'm 17-years old, I live in Alor Setar, Kedah, and I go to Kolej Sultan Abdul Hamid.

4. I love my school, I love my friends, and I love my simple life.

5. This is my first ever post, in my first ever blog.

6. This is also a faint reminder to all my friends, and everybody out there, basically all Form 5 students this year, that we will be taking the SPM examinations this year, 2009. This is our year.

7. All I want to say is, friends, please think about and realize the importance of this major public exam, and give it your absolute best, if you want to acieve good results. Please don't jeopardize your future, just for the sake of having fun in current times. You've had your time in Form 4, so now, grow up and get ready.

8. Bersusah - payah dahulu, bersenang - senanglah kemudian...

9. No matter where you are, no matter how many 'A's you're aiming for, I wish you all good luck for SPM. Insyaallah.

10. Friends, I hope you get the message. I apologize for any mistakes or wrong-doings. I'm just a man.

11. I must admit that this blogging thing is kinda fun... hehe

12. Thank you, and good night. Assalamualaikum.